Cyberscope Becomes An Audit Voucher Partner Of The Polygon Village Program

Introduction to the partnership
Cyberscope is proud to announce its strategic partnership with the Polygon DAO team. Through this partnership we aim to provide our top quality audit services to exciting new projects that are utilizing Polygon DAO to build their infrastructure.
What is the Polygon chain and how important is it?
Polygon is a L2 chain that is built on Ethereum and is greatly improving its scalability. With more than 19K No. of dapps, 130M Unique users, 3M Daily transactions and 3.4B total transactions since inception it is quickly becoming one of the most popular blockchains to build upon.
In contrast to the high transaction fees and slow completion speed of Ethereum, Polygon is capable of handling up to 65,000 transactions per second, which is significantly more than Ethereum's 17 transactions per second. This means that users can pay very small fees (pennies) for quick and easy transactions.
Compared with Ethereum's average transaction fee of $15, Polygon is a much better choice when it comes to cost and speed. That is why, many developers choose it as a blockchain for their ethereum compatible smart contracts and dapps.
What is the Polygon Village programme?
The Polygon Village program acts as an incubator for projects that have a strong desire to grow within the Polygon ecosystem and have been selected by the Polygon DAO team.
Their aim is to onboard prominent projects and provide them with grants and vouchers. They believe that all projects should have equal opportunities, regardless of whether they build for DeFi, NFTs, DAOs, etc and thus try to facilitate them with the means to grow.
To that end, they are partnering across all domains (grants, hosting, infra support, audit service, listing, liquidity support etc) with top tiered dapps and the best web3 service providers.
The effects of this partnership for Cyberscope
Cyberscope acts as a voucher partner for the smart contract audits of the projects that are part of the Polygon Village program. Its team consists of auditors that are highly experienced in Polygon smart contract audits so they are aiming to deliver their top quality services to these projects, to help them not only secure but also optimize their smart contracts.
What makes Cyberscope stand out in the cyber-security space, is its intricate and detailed smart contract audit methodology. While other providers rely on automated checks for their audit reports, Cyberscope is utilizing manual line-by-line checks, static analysis, unit tests, edge-case business logic, performance improvements and inspect for security vulnerabilities.
In the end, they are able to provide a detailed report that contains all findings, both security and performance related, as well as recommended actions.
Closing thoughts
Cyberscope continues to grows its partnerships across the crypto industry. The quality and depth of its audits are now recognised by top accelerator programs and launchpads across the world. They are consistently delivering excellent smart contract audits to all of its clients, no matter how big or small. They aim to secure Web 3.0 for everyone and being selected as a partner from the Polygon DAO team shows their standing as one of the top leading auditing companies in the space.
For more information on Polygon DAO and the Polygon Village Program, visit this link: https://linktr.ee/polygon_dao